After the Last mission in Haiti, a RO delegation composed from left to right : Roland Bradshow (WB), Yolene Surena (DPC Haïti), Boby Piard (CNIGS), Hélène de Boissezon (CNES), Andrew Eddy (RO Secretary AG), Samira Philip Rebai (UNDP) and Giorgio Boni ( CIMA / ASI )
This event was co-organised by the Haitian Civil Protection Department (DPC), the Haitian Centre national d’information geospatiale (CNIGS), and the French space agency (CNES). The event aimed to showcase the very rich experience currently underway in Haiti to improve risk management using satellite data, which ranges from use of the International Charter by Haitian organisms (and their candidacy to become Authorized Users under the Universal Access policy); to risk reduction measures tied to improved satellite based risk assessment; to the creation of the 1st CEOS Recovery Observatory, where the post hurricane Matthew recovery experience serves as a full scale demonstrator for satellite support to recovery over a multi-year period.
you can find a resume of this event here :