The week of September 25, 2019 CEOS Working Group on Disasters met in Reykjavik hosted by the Iceland University ( Website)
This meeting was for the Recovery Observatory the opportunity to make a point three years after its launch and show again the strong collaboration of a large number of space agency in this project: CNES, ASI, DLR, NASA, NOAA , Copernicus, WB Haiti, CNES / EOST, LIVE / UNISTRA, CIMA but also with futur work to be done with NASA and NOAA.
It was also an opportunity to present first work related to the Recovery Observatory "Generic", to present the future mission in late December this year to adress the capacity developement plan and the two conferences where the team was present : the Living Planet Symposium at Milano on Mai 15th and the World Reconstruction Conference #4 at Genova on Mai 13th.
You will find the presentation of the RO team as an attachment, or HERE