Since 2014, the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) has been working on means to increase the contribution of satellite data to recovery from such major events. A Recovery Observatory oversight team was created with representatives from the satellite data providers, the international recovery stakeholder community and value-added providers. Several recovery activities has been made in Malawi and Nepal in 2016.
After the impact of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti, CEOS Executive officially triggered the Recovery Observatory Haiti in December 2016 (named by its initial : RO). A project team made up of CEOS agencies, national partners and international DRM stakeholders is being established to oversee this project for a period of three to four years.
The Recovery Observatory is a pilot run by the CEOS Working Group on Disasters.
Some practical links :
The CEOS Website :
The Working Group Disaster Website :
The Recovery Observatory Page :
History of the CEOS Working Group on Disasters Disaster Risk Management (DRM) continues to gain political, economic, and geopolitical importance as disasters cause increasing human and economic losses, and these losses only expected to grow as a result of increasing global urbanization (expected to double by the year 2050) and an increasing number of extreme events (expected to triple by the year 2100). In November 2013, the CEOS Plenary endorsed the creation of a fifth permanent Working Group, the Working Group on Disasters (WGDisasters), after reviewing and approving the recommendations of an ad hoc team that drafted the CEOS Disaster Risk Management Observation Strategy. The WG Disasters is currently chaired by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), and has two dozen regular members representing as many organizations involved in the use of satellite imagery for disaster risk reduction, response and recovery. The WGDisasters meets by teleconference every two months, and in person every six months, to review progress on pilots, demonstrators, and other on-going disaster-related activity. |
This page contains information about these meetings and other information about CEOS WGD.