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2019 : World Reconstruction Conférence 4 : RO Session at Geneva

World Reconstruction Conférence 4

The Recovery Observatory project team was in Geneva on May 13th 2019 for organazing a Thematic Session on
Facilitating Recovery and Inclusion through Satellite EO Technology

The objective of the session on Facilitating Recovery & Inclusion through Satellite EO was threefold:

  • Increasing awareness on how satellite imagery has been used in the past to scale up inclusion in the recovery process;
  • Advocating for the use of satellite EO to enable inclusive recovery efforts;
  • Discussing how the use of EO technology can be improved to support recovery planning and monitoring.

The outcome of this session was to provide a set of guidelines for refining the use of satellite EO observations during the recovery process, and to identify pathways to facilitate inclusion and resilience through this process.

RO Panel : Kit Myamoto (Miyamoto international), Ricardo Zapata-marti (European Union),
Samir Belabbes (UNOSAT), Hélène De Boissezon (CNES) (from left to right)

Helene de Boissezon presented on the concept of a generic, replicable RO that could offer a clear path for access to satellite data and products during early recovery planning, from the crisis to the development of the National Recovery Plan, including more systematic support to PDNA work and recovery financing development. The work on this topic is being led by an ad hoc team including the World Bank/GFDRR, UNDP, the European Union, the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites, and UNOSAT. The first step in the process has been to capture the lessons learned from the state of the art of application of satellite data to recovery, which has been put forward in an advocacy paper. The next step is to develop the concept by working on a statement of the parameters for EO satellite support and the development of cost-benefit scenarios.

See the Background Paper

See Minutes of this session
