Agwilh Collet's picture
2019 : Living Planet Symposium : RO Session at Milan

Living Planet Symposium

The Recovery Observatory project team was in Milan from 13 to 17 May 2019 for the Living Planet Symposium organized by ASI and ESA.

Recovery Observatory presentation by Philémon Mondesir (CNIGS)

A double session was co-organized by the RO team with the subject of disaster risk reduction in developing countries. Several presentations were made by the team including the presence of the ASI, the CIMA, the CNES, the SERTIT but also the CNIGS of Haiti having made the trip:


Post hurricane Matthew Recovery Observatory in Haiti

Agwilh Collet, Cnes, Toulouse, France
Philémon Mondesir, CNIGS, Port au Prince, Haïti

On the use of high and very-high resolution optical remote sensing for the post-Matthew recovery phase in Haiti

Robin Faivre, ICube-SERTIT / University Of Strasbourg, Illkirch-Graffenstaden, France

Change detection approach for the monitoring of the recovery phase in the aftermath of a disaster. the example of Haiti RO

Andrea De Giorgi, University of Genova, DITEN, Genoa, Italy

Rapid landslide inventory mapping from freely available medium resolution optical imagery: the ALADIM processing service.

Jean-Philippe Malet, CNRS / Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre, Strasbourg, France; University of Strasbourg / A2S Platform, Strasbourg, France


Several posters related to the Recovery Observatory were also presented :

Mapping land cover changes and land deformation due to climatic hazards using high resolution time series space-born data : study applied to the Cayes plain in Haïti

Bastien Nguyen duy - Bardakji, La TeleScop, Montpellier, France

Towards an operational land-use mapping over Haiti from Sentinel-2

Robin Faivre, ICube-SERTIT, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, Illkirch-Graffenstaden, France

Processing big SAR data in the Geohazards Exploitation Platform (GEP) to support the CEOS Recovery Observatory in Haiti

Francesca Cigna, Italian Space Agency (ASI), Rome, Italy
